Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i never thought i could be so articulate but anw,i commented on e big fight of jc vs poly

I don't think that Mr Lee Beng Tat is totally wrong or immature as many others have said.Though the way he puts his ideas through are rather offensive ans insensitive,it doesn't mean that the idea he's trying to put across is immature or elitist.

He does make sense when he says that Poly grads complain that there aren't enough places allocated to them.Many students move on to poly knowing that the chances of making it to most universities are slim.However,they chose the route and when they fail to get a placing in any university,they bring the issue, that there's not enough placement for poly grads,upThe author is trying to bring across the idea that,ultimately , we are all responsible for the decisions we made.So if a poly grad failed to get a placement,they should understand that their grades have not made the mark and not because the system is unfair in the places allocated for poly grads.

This is not a comparison about whether JC grads are better than Poly grads.It is a matter of which institution is better tailored for university and which has a better chance of entering a university.To be honest,many poly grads find it hard to cope in university because the courses they took in their polys are more specialised than the JC students.Furthermore,many of the modules taken in university tend to follow the JC curriculum,hence,the indication that JC is better as a pre uni institution.

To those who deem JC students immature, just as you complained that the author is immature for using such hard words to descride poly grads,aren't you just as bad by using such words to describe JC grads?

I am a JC grad and while i agree that the author's usage of words are too harsh,i agree that poly grads should take responsibility of their own grades if they fail to get a placement ,instead of making a big hoo ha over the spaces allocated.However,reagarding the priority issue,JC students already have priority when it comes to the number of spaces allocated in local universities, hence,there's no need for more priority.However,i dont think that the spaces allocated for poly grads ahould be increased.Like many others,this is based on meritocracy,only the cream of the crop from both institutions should be given a placing.

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